Below is a list of all the Kwakwa̱ka̱'wakw Communities given on the
U'mista website. I have compared these with those in
1994, and compiled the following. Where there are two names
separated by a hyphen the first is from U'mista, the second from Galois.
Kwakwaka'wakw First Nation |
Community |
Dialect |
English Name |
Kwagu'l-Kwagu'ł |
Tsax̱is |
Kwak̕wala |
Fort Rupert |
Mama̱liliḵa̱la-Mamaliliḵa̱la |
'Mimkwa̱mlis-'Mimkumlis |
Kwak̕wala |
Village Island |
'Na̱mg̱is |
Xwa̱lkw |
Kwak̕wala |
Cheslakees |
Lawitsis-Ławitsis |
Ḵalug̱wis |
Kwak̕wala |
Turnour Island |
A̱'wa̱'etła̱la-Da̱'naxda'x̱w |
Dzawadi |
Kwak̕wala |
Knight Inlet |
Da̱'naxda'x̱w |
Tsadzis'nukwa̱me'-T'sadzisnukwa̱me' |
? |
New Vancouver - Harbledown Island |
Ma'amtagila-Ma'a̱mtagila |
I'tsika̱n-Itsika̱n |
? |
Estekin |
Dzawada̱'enux̱-Dzawa̱da̱'enux̱w |
Gwa'yi |
? |
Kincome Inlet |
Ḵwikwa̱sutinux̱-Ḵwiḵwa̱sut̓inux̱w |
Gwa'yasda̱m's-G̱wa'yasda̱ms |
Kwak̕wala |
Gilford Island |
Gwawa'enux̱-Gwawa̱'enux̱w |
Heg̱a̱m's |
? |
Hopetown |
'Nak̕waxda'x̱w |
Ba'as-Ba'a's |
'Nak̕wala |
Blunden Harbour |
Gwa'sa̱la |
Ta̱kus-T̓a̱kus |
'Nak̕wala |
Smiths Inlet |
G̱usgimukw |
X̱wa̱tis |
G̱uc̓ala |
Quatsino |
Gwatsinux-Gwat̕sinux̱w |
Oyag̱amla-Oyag̱a̱m'la |
G̱uc̓ala |
Winter Harbour |
Tlatla̱sikwa̱la-T̓łat̕ła̱siḵwa̱la |
X̱wa̱mdasbe' |
T̓łat̕łasik̕wala |
Hope Island |
Wēqay̓i-Wiwēqay̓i |
Cekʷal̓utən-Ceqʷəl̓utən |
Liq̓ʷala |
Cape Mudge |
Wiwēkam |
Amm̓ataxʷ–Am̓atex̌ʷ |
Liq̓ʷala |
Campbell River |
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