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I have included the following excerpt from a story entitled Sniniq’, found in “Bella Coola Texts”. In the source, the story is presented in the local version of the Americanist style orthography, in an interlinear format (i.e. each word is written in Nuxalk, English, and a grammatical description). I have done my best to transcribe it into the modern practical orthography, as well as presenting the original (Nuxalk only). As some of the accented letters in Nuxalk are not independently encoded by Unicode, the accents may not appear in the positions they should. |
Practical verson7aytsutts skatmayuutstimutts skayayuutsstuu 7alhtis7alats’iikw’utc. Tm7alats’iilhhaw ctxw tulhlkw’lctxw. 7ays 7alhtxw tatl’mstatx. 7at’mnalstakwkw’u t’axw tutl’mstatx 7alaacwa. 7axw alhnapits swikas 7alaacwa 7uulxlh. 7at’mnalstaw. Tl’apaw sq’amutaw tis7at’mnalstaw. Tl’apskwts’. Tl’apskwts’ tanumaw tatsaatstiitx. Kw’ntatsutkwts’ tanumaw tatl’mstatx. Way tsutkw t’ax. 7anaykts skak’cits tiumataycawtsk was7at’mnalstilhats tsutskw tatl’mstatx 7ulhtasaticstx. Yayaliwatimutnuma tsutsutmiskw tasaticstx. Q’awtsap kaxims asuncwats. Ninitskw t’ayc. Ninitstumkw t’ayc sq’awim. 7anaykaw snapamcwit stam skaumataycaw aq’awtim 7alhtxw wa7at’ma. |
Davis and Saunders’ versionʔaycutc skatmayūctimutc skayayūcctū ʔaƚtisʔalac̓īk̓ʷutx. tmʔalac̓īƚƚaw xtXʷ tuƚlk̓ʷlxtXʷ. ʔays ʔaƚtXʷ taƛ̓mstatX. ʔat̓mnalstakʷk̓ʷu t̓aXʷ tuƛ̓mstatX ʔalaaxʷa. ʔaXʷ aƚnapic swikas ʔalaaxʷa ʔūlXƚ. ʔat̓mnalstaw. ƛ̓apaw sq̓amutaw tisʔat̓mnalstaw. ƛ̓apskʷc̓. ƛ̓apskʷc̓ tanumaw tacāctītX. k̓ʷntacutkʷc̓ tanumaw taƛ̓mstatX. way cutkʷ t’aX. ʔanaykc skak̓xic tiumatayxawck wasʔat̓mnalstiƚac cutskʷ taƛ̓mstatX ʔuƚtasatixstX. yayaliwatimutnuma cucutmiskʷ tasatixstX. q̓awcap kaXims asunxʷac. ninickʷ t̓ayx. ninictumkʷ t̓ayx sq̓awim. ʔanaykaw snapamxʷit stam skaumatayxaw aq̓awtim ʔaƚtXʷ waʔat̓ma. |
Last Update: February 23, 2008 |