Below is the complete Dogrib Syllabarium, using only characters defined by Unicode. Unicode places all finals at the top-line, where Dene requires some finals to be top-line, some mid-line, and some baseline. The location of the final is vital to correct pronunciation. Please note that your browser may not be able to accomodate the mid-line and baseline finals. The Dogrib Syllabarium is based on the French/Catholic tradition, which is also used by the Chipewyans of the North-West Territories. |
The traditional Tlįchǫ (Dogrib) syllabary does not differentiate all of the distinct sounds (phonemes) of the language, e.g. writing /j/ and /ch’/ with the same symbol. In general, this likely causes little difficulty for fluent speakers who can infer the correct phoneme from context. The Practical Syllabics system represents a more accurate rendering of Dene sounds. The onsets in (round brackets) were not included in the chart, because the sound is written with two symbols (digraph). Digraphs are written with a “final” plus a syllabic. Symbols in {curly brackets} represent sounds which appear in the “finals” column of the chart. Tone is not written. The traditional system uses the Roman period 〈.〉 instead of the syllabic version 〈᙮〉. The asterisk * indicates the following word is a proper name. Notes:
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Last Update: June 13, 2005 |